Innovation roadmap

Our affordable technology is at the center of our solar power movement. We’re forward thinking, because we’re in it for the long run. The Spark roadmap defines our ambitions to enable energy sharing in communities.

2022: Power for homes

The first phase of the Spark roadmap was driven by our household-level solar energy technology. With the Pay-as-you-Go mechanism, we helped households rent batteries to power their homes. This era marked our entry into emerging markets with a truly innovative offer. We discovered the primary requirements of the market, like access to light and power for appliances.

2027: Taking energy sharing online

The first-of-its-kind community system combines household and small business solutions. We plan to make energy sharing online a reality, and connect households to the cloud. This is an opportunity for the households to trade surplus energy by using an ‘energy wallet.’ We envision this as a complete virtual energy marketplace.

2030: Shared energy grid

We enable the sharing of surplus energy between households. Early solar adopters in a community can inspire other households, and lead the movement with us. Households remain at the core of our mission and our long-term goal is to enable these communities to climb the energy ladder. We want to go big and increase the power supply availability to 1 kW and beyond. Entrepreneurs are the cornerstone of these communities, and we want to empower them to lengthen their productive hours after sunset.

2035: Plug & play expansion

This phase begins when we enable energy sharing between households to become energy resilient. We aim to make headway on an ambitious goal to link households with local industries around them. This means we aim to go big and scale up to a 230V grid, connect existing networks with each other and cater to higher energy demand using plug and play third party sources. Our energy solutions will be able to coexist with larger applications and the centralized grid.

2040: Connecting communities

We make promises because we know that we can keep them. We stand by our promise of universal access to energy and won’t stop until the most remote, smallest communities are connected by our grid. Our goals will be met when we connect villages and cities to each other and enable a platform for them to share energy with each other. The grids built by communities using the Spark tools are a true alternative to the top-down energy grids.