18.06.24 – Breda, Netherlands
Spark has partnered with SOL! Groupe as their preferred manufacturer and supplier of the Spark Kit solar home system, with distribution now underway in Chad and soon the Central African Republic.
Spark provides inventory to SOL! Groupe with pay-as-you-go (PAYGo) instalment payment options for end-users in Chad and the Central African Republic. In both countries, the population with energy access is among some of the lowest in the world. In Chad, the electrification rate outside urban areas is less than 5%, whilst the Central African Republic sees rural energy access rates as low as 0.4%.
Traditionally, these markets have been overlooked by energy companies. They are difficult to operate in due to tough financing conditions and sparse populations in extremely remote and rural areas. But now, with expert support from the Spark Invest programme, SOL! Groupe can expand into these historically underserved regions.
An initial shipment of Spark Solar Kits has already arrived in Chad, with a furthermore on the way to the Central African Republic as well. This partnership will help meet the energy needs of peri-urban and rural households with reliable, affordable and sustainable solar home systems.
SOL! Groupe’s operations in Chad are primarily in N’Djamena and Moundou, covering the entire territory while in the Central African Republic, its focus is on Bangui and Boali, with a network being developed to expand its reach.